BOOK A COURT (Updated)

Courts can be booked online using RMTC BookingSheet (updated from 1 Nov 2023) or through the Pro Shop. Your existing RTO (Real Tennis Online) number and password carry across to this new system.


Our team of Professionals make the members’ time at the Club a thoroughly enjoyable experience.The Professionals will help arrange games for you with players of a suitable standard and also give lessons and coaching for members.


Check your current handicap (singles and doubles) and your opponent's on Real Tennis Online (RTO). Use the online calculators to work out the start score for each game. Use your RTO number and password as used for the RMTC Booking System.


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  • Pennant

A Grade Pennant - Week 1 of 7

RMTC | Thu, 27th Mar | 7:00 pm

Handicap 0 - 20. A 7 week season

RMTC Members in Dedans social 199
  • Social

First Friday of the month - April

RMTC | Fri, 4th Apr | 6:00 pm

There will be an exhibition match on court for your entertainment and a delightful supper. Contact the Pro Shop to RSVP.

Hero Pro Shop lesson 2
  • Clinics

Junior Clinics (u16) - April

RMTC | Tue, 8th Apr | 9:30 am

Open to players 16 years and under. This is your chance to introduce the next generation of real tennis superstars to the game, or just kick the kids out of the house for an hour in the holidays and let the Pros introduce them to our marvellous game. Time to be confirmed.



Old Scholars Handicap Doubles - Sun. 23 February

Wednesday, 5th Mar

8 pairs representing a learning institution competed for the Old Scholars Handicap Doubles.

Semi Final;

  • Hocking/Gooden def I Lindsay/G Dempster 8/4
  • Whitehead/Raw def Eklund/Wallace


  • Hocking/Gooden def Whitehead/Raw 8/5

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Lola Montez International Women's Day Tournament (Ballarat) Sat.15 ~ Sun.16 February

Wednesday, 5th Mar

A number of RMTC's Women headed to Ballarat to compete in the Lola Montez handicap doubles tournament an early celebration of the upcoming International Women's Day. Two of your young players in Eve and Isabella went back to back after winning last years event.

Plate Final:

  • Jo See Tan & Cora Trevarthen def Annie ?? & Amanda ?? 8/6

Semi Final:

  • Michelle Moores & Beth Schiwy def Penny?? & Lucinda?? 7/3
  • Eve Filippelli & Isabella Lo Presti def Deb Bordignon & Michelle O'Rorke 8/7


  • Eve Filippelli & Isabella Lo Presti def Michelle Moores & Beth Schiwy 8/4

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100 Years & Over Handicap Doubles - Sun. 16 February

Wednesday, 5th Mar

12 pairs of players descended on RMTC on a Sunday morning in Feb with each team adding individual age's together to equal 100 years plus.

Semi Finals:

  • Scopelliti/McNamara def Heath/Powell 6/4
  • Whitehead/Raw def Ilgoutz/Brown 5/4


  • Scopelliti/McNamara def Whitehead/Raw

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Quarterly Medal #1 - Sat. 15 February

Wednesday, 5th Mar

3 groups of 5 players took part in the 1st Quarterly Medal for 2025 with the winner of each group qualifying for the year ending Medal of Medalists held on Finals Day. Look out for your opportunity to enter a Quarterly medal later in the year for your chance.

AM North court winner - Julia McCahey

PM North court winner - Roger Wood

PM South court winner - Stephen Powell

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Invitation to apply - new Trainee Professional role at Ballarat Tennis Club

Monday, 24th Feb

Ballarat Tennis Club are taking an important step this month of creating a new 6-month duration Trainee Professional role - part of a plan to grow Real Tennis at Ballarat and help the club thrive.

Interested applicants can email to receive a detailed Pos (also see attached pdf in the body of this article). Full applications required by 6pm Fri. 28 February.

As noted in the pdf (below) - talented amateur players who think they could be a good match for the role are encouraged to apply - as working with ARTA, we've clarified there is a clear path back to Amateur status if not continuing as a Pro after this role.


Real tennis is a high strategy racket sport with a pedigree that can be traced back to the twelfth century. It is the original racket game from which are descended most modern racket games including lawn tennis (now called tennis) and squash.

Real tennis is a unique game which provides:

  • significant physical and technical challenges for all levels of player
  • a demanding test of skill, agility, court craft and strategy
  • a handicapping system that allows players of varied ability, age and experience to compete on equal terms.

Real tennis is played by sports enthusiasts of all ages and levels. Around the world you might call the game different things – ‘real’ tennis in Australia and Britain, ‘court’ tennis in the US, and ‘jeu de paume’ in France – to players, it is simply ‘tennis’.

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