After considering your family and loved ones, please consider making a gift to our Club. You may simply leave an untied bequest to the Royal Melbourne Tennis Club to help build the RMTC Foundation’s corpus or you may specify a purpose. You may also indicate how you would like your name and contribution to be remembered.
There is no obligation to notify the Club that you are leaving a gift in your Will, but we would be delighted to know so that we may ensure that your generosity is acknowledged in your lifetime.
The following wording may be used as a guide:
- “I bequeath to The Royal Melbourne Tennis Club [ABN 18 004 143 720] of 18 Sherwood Street Richmond, Victoria 3121
- the sum of $(amount); OR (specified items) for The Royal Melbourne Tennis Club Foundation.
- the residue or (percentage) % of the residue of my estate for The Royal Melbourne Tennis Club Foundation.
- The written acknowledgement of the Royal Melbourne Tennis Club is to be accepted by my executors as a full and complete discharge.”
You should obtain further advice from your solicitor, especially if you wish to add a Codicil rather than draw up a new Will.
If you wish the RMTC Foundation to use your gift for a specific purpose, please talk with the Foundation Governors to ensure your wishes are well understood and documented.