Becoming a member

Anyone interested in becoming a member may contact the Pro Shop and speak to one of the tennis professionals. Scheduled Introductory Nights and Family Afternoons can be found on the Tennis Calendar.
Membership Process
A candidate for membership is first proposed by a proposer, seconder and referee(s) and then elected by the Committee.
The strength and longevity of our game and the Club rests with the members.
As such, the responsibilities of a member in proposing a new member extend beyond arranging a candidate’s nomination form. These include introducing them to other members, to the customs and protocols of the Club and making sure they feel welcome in the Club.
Individuals who are interested to join the Club, but do not know RMTC members, may seek assistance from the Membership Committee. This may include an introduction to club members and consideration of temporary membership for six months, to get to know the game and the Club, prior to nominating for ordinary (or other class of) membership.
The complete requirements for nomination and the procedures to be followed are detailed on the Nomination for Membership forms available from the office at the Club and any questions may be directed to the Chair of Membership.
Membership Categories
The RMTC has a number of different membership categories as an inclusive family club. The Committee maintains a continuous review of membership levels and from time to time may establish a waiting-list for candidates. The full list of categories and applicable qualifications are provided in the Club’s Constitution, or click on the categories below.
From the age of 21
Between 12 and 21 years of age
Partners of Ordinary Members
Over 21 years of age and not resident within 100 kilometres of the Melbourne GPO
Over 21 years of age and resident of Australia but not Victoria
18 years of age or over and resident outside Australia
Not available to new members, for existing Members and Associates, where a transfer back to playing membership is not permitted for at least three years.
For short term visitors or prospective members for a period of six months
Fees & Subscriptions
Entrance Fees and Annual Subscriptions (both of which depend on membership category) are fixed annually by the Committee, and posted on the RMTC Committee notice board.
Members under 30 years old benefit from a significantly reduced subscription and entrance fee installment arrangements.