RMTC Governance

Management of the Club

RMTC Coat of Arms 2

The Club is managed by the Committee elected by Members at an Annual General Meeting. The Committee works in an honorary capacity and the President, Vice President, Honorary Secretary, and Honorary Treasurer are elected by the Committee.

The Club has standing Subcommittees generally chaired by a Committee member. All Members are invited and encouraged to contribute to the Club by serving on a Subcommittee.

The Committee

  • President – David Lloyd Jones
  • Vice President – Jonathan Buckley
  • Treasurer – Lisa Galbraith
  • Honorary Secretary – Rob Perry
  • Committee Member - Alasdair Norton
  • Committee Member - Ruby Ponsford
  • Committee Member - Paul Rosedale
  • Committee Member - Vince Scopelliti
  • Committee Member - Chris Sievers
  • Committee Member - Tony Simpson
  • Committee Member - Jo See Tan

Subcommittee Chairs

  • Tennis – Richard Pagone
  • Young Players - Jackson Brand
  • Social – Jo See Tan
  • Building & Grounds – Andrew Buckle
  • Membership – Tony Simpson
  • Health & Safety - Kate Paton
  • Investment - Lisa Galbraith
  • Management - David Lloyd Jones
  • History, Archives, Library and Publications - Mike Garnett
  • Communications - Stephen Powell


An Annual General Meeting is held at the Club, normally in May each year. Notice of an AGM is provided to members by the Honorary Secretary at least 21 days before the meeting date.

At each Annual General Meeting the members of the Club:

  • Receive the annual report of the Committee concerning the performance of the Club
  • Elect Committee Members
  • Only members who have paid an Entrance Fee* may vote at any general meeting of the Club.

Club Constitution

The RMTC is a company limited by guarantee.

The objects of the Club are to:

  • Establish, maintain and conduct a Tennis Club for use by the members of the Club and their guests and generally to afford to them all the usual privileges, advantages, conveniences and benefits of a club;
  • Promote the games of tennis, squash and other athletic games and sports and to encourage social interaction between the members of the Club and their participation in activities promoted by the Club; and
  • Do all such other lawful things that are incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the objects of the Club.

Club Policies & Rules

Privacy Policy

The Royal Melbourne Tennis Club is committed to protecting the privacy of members’ personal information. We have in place a privacy policy which explains how the Club manages the personal information that we collect, use and disclose. A copy of the Club’s Privacy Policy is available here or from the office.

Members' and Staff Protection Policy

This policy is to maintain responsible behaviour and the making of informed decisions by members, staff and other participants in this club. It outlines our commitment to a person’s right to be treated with respect and dignity, and to be safe and protected from unnecessary injury, discrimination, harassment and abuse.

Child Safety and Wellbeing Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct sets out the expected behaviour of adults with children and young people at our club. All Royal Melbourne Tennis Club staff, volunteers, contractors, service providers, members and any other adult involved in child-connected work must follow the Child Safety and Wellbeing Code of Conduct.

Heat Policy – Social Play & Club Matches

The Royal Melbourne Tennis Club is an indoor sporting facility, and its tennis and squash courts are not air conditioned, so players may experience high temperatures. The following procedures are for the safety for players and staff when exposed to the hazards of extreme weather conditions. Adopted by the RMTC Committee - August 2024

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