Congratulations Dr Kate Leeming OAM - Australia Day - 26 January 2023

On behalf on the club, I would like to congratulate Kate on her Australia Day award. Kate has been awarded an OAM for her outstanding contribution to adventure sports.

Kate’s achievements are many. Of note is cycling 22,040 km over ten months through Africa in 2010. An expedition that was not only a physical quest but also a platform to highlight the development needs and activities of war-torn and poverty-stricken nations.

Dr Kate Leeming OAM

Friday, 17th Feb

Kate also has two earlier world firsts under her belt – the Trans-Siberian Cycle Expedition (1993) when she became the first woman to cycle across the new Russia unsupported (in aid of the children of Chernobyl), and the 25,000km Great Australian Cycle Expedition (2004/05) which included the first bicycle crossing of the Canning Stock Route by a woman.

The University of Western Australia have also awarded Kate an Honorary Doctor of Education degree for services to education and community. She is a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society (UK), a member of The Explorers Club (New York), an Honorary Advisor for the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award and a Scout Ambassador.

If you would like to congratulate her personally you can contact her via email;

David Lloyd Jones
President - RMTC

Image: Adventure cyclist Kate Leeming with her custom Christini bicycle on South Melbourne Beach. Photography by Josh Robenstone

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