Victorian Amateur Championships - Fri. 2 - Sun. 4 June

A selection of the best amateur tennis players in the country played in the Victorian Amateur Singles and Doubles Championships over the weekend. Congratulations to Kieran Booth who won his 5th Vic Am Singles title and his 4th Vic Am Doubles title while his partner Michael Williams won his 3rd Vic Am Doubles title.

F37f4eb6 6203 6b7e 1926 bbe0970dd1be

Thursday, 22nd Jun

Vic Am Singles: K Booth df. D Williams 6/1 6/0

643239dc ec5a 63cd 54f1 45130ec1c7d4

Vic Am Doubles: K Booth / M Williams df. D Williams / C Sievers 6/4 6/0

53854fc7 2180 b892 c450 a645c9ef9d49

Vic Am Singles B Div: J Laeuchli df. JS Tan 6/2 6/4

880fd5b6 2d98 bc10 185c e21c838cc552

Vic Am Doubles B Div: R Hince / J Hamer df. R Pagone / J Laeuchli 6/2 6/3

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